Download here: https://github.com/Cgboal/C2-SDK
The C2-SDK is a Python package designed to be used inside Docker containers to send data back to the Master Node. The C2-SDK also makes available environment variables passed to the Docker container by the Agent.
Clone the C2-SDK repository and then run python setup.py install.
This Python module includes classes used to perform API calls to the Master Node.
Rester is a class which handles rest calls to the master node. It has the following methods.
Rester.post(table, data) The table parameter is the name of the table the Module is posting data to, as defined within the Module File described in the previous section. The data parameter is a dictionary, with the keys being the database table columns, and the values being the values to insert into those columns. See the Example Module section for examples.
The settings module contains the various environment variables made available to the container by the Agent. They are as follows.
MODULE_ID - UUID of the currently executing module
AGENT_ID - UUID of the Agent executing the Module
C2_URL - URL of the Master Node
LOCAL_IP - IP address of the Agent host machine on the local network, used for modules which perform local network tasks such as scanning.
NETMASK - Netmask of the network corresponding to LOCAL_IP